Tuesday 1 November 2016

And Hello To You...

Hello to you...
You know, I've been really wanting to start this blog for what seems to be years. I've always felt an urge for reading to writing ever since I was a kid. Such a nerd I know haha. 

Just imagine a 3-year-old preschooler dictating to her mother her wardrobe choices...well that was me. The stories my mum has told me over the years gets me laughing.  Like honestly purple and pink striped stockings and open toed sandals? Good look Jacinta, good look. But hey, in my defence I was 3. AND in my mum's defence, she wouldn't get me to leave the house otherwise. So win, win I say. 
And there was this one time where this girl in my preschool had the best blue (biblical) looking tie up shoes I could ever imagine, so I made my mum talk to her mum to get them for me. Obviously, I only wanted them because she had them, and it's obvious I had to get pink because was there any other colour? Oh gosh no, not for  3-year-old. And when my mum got them and I was happy for a maximum of 24 hours until that girl decided to move on from those shoes...truly I was heartbroken. 

Growing up I didn't really have a concrete understanding of what I wanted to be when I was older...and now that I am older and am 18 years old, I needed to decide on a path in life, so I've chosen journalism. Not your boring political journalism (no offence) but fashion journalism. That's what I want for myself. Just recently I watched 'The Devil Wears Prada' and my oh my it is what I want. Of course not the dilemma of it all, none of that. I'm just so drawn to the whole concept of working for a well-established fashion magazine. How amazing would that be? It's films like that, that make me really really want to count my lucky stars and go for it. But the fashion industry is intense and oh so competitive. Am I ready for that? Of course, I am. I haven't been dressing to impressing my whole life for nothing. Hey, and you know what? New TV show addiction: Love, Lust or Run...tbh a total steal from Snog, Marry or Avoid but I am loving the American version. It's great. Bring one to Australia please and you watch, I'll be binge-watching that. 

I'm sure now that my year 12 exams are pretty much almost out the way (3 more left and by the end of this week just 1 more!) I'll be able to post more and I'm really excited for this project. And hopefully, over time you'll get to a little more about me. Here's to the future. 

Jacinta Eloise

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